Top Ten Highlights of 2014

In 2014, together we:

  1. Helped support 326 jobs in Cambodia and India
  2. Placed 100% of women into jobs after they completed Nomi’s Advanced Training Program
  3. Trained 10 women to become leaders in their community and 10 women to become Master Trainers
  4. Supported 10 women entrepreneurs who are making saris to sell in their local market
  5. Helped 100% of our trainees in Bihar open their own bank accounts and savings accounts
  6. Taught trainees how to read, write their names and the Hindi alphabet
  7. 100% of the women in our Bihar program are now sending their children to school
  8. 85% of women are now complying with competitive manufacturing industry standards
  9. Domestic violence and trafficking cases have decreased significantly for women in our Bihar program
  10. Sponsored over 40 pop-up shops, including the NYC Union Square Holiday Market and Nomi’s Home for the Holidays Freedom Shop to raise awareness and market access
Please consider supporting this strategic work to end human trafficking! Each donation made through December 31st will be matched up to $15,000 thanks to a generous gift from our Board. You can give a gift that changes a life this holiday season! 

- Team Nomi


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