Reporting Out on Networking for Peace

On a quiet Tuesday night in April in the Upper East Side, women from many different walks came together to discuss international, national, and local issues surrounding “Confronting Modern Slavery: Prosecuting Sex Traffickers.” Young and old alike heard from three well-versed panelists on the legal systems in place in each of these levels to address the issue of human trafficking in today’s world.

The conversation was organized by Network for Peace through Dialogue and co-sponsored by a number of organizations, each active in educating the general public on modern day slavery. Nomi Network was privileged to participate in the post-panel small group discussions in which groups of 5-8 people discussed action steps that could be taken immediately to raise awareness on this issue as well as to pressure legislatures and private corporations alike to stop funding groups that support human trafficking. Many things were learned learned throughout this evening, including the fact that everyone, no matter where life has taken him or her, can do a small part to eradicate modern day slavery!

Further concrete actions steps will be posted on Network for Peace's website. Check back frequently to learn how you can continue integrate this dialogue in your own life.

- Suzy Gaber


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