Goldman Sachs & Nomi Network Volunteer Day - A Success!

Bright and early on a Saturday morning in mid-June, Nomi Network’s volunteer team and a group of Goldman Sachs volunteers met to strategize around several of Nomi Network’s sales, membership, and program models.

Executive team members Alissa Moore, Diana Mao and Lisa Kim, opened the floor for a lively discussion by first presenting the organization’s long term goal of creating 100,000 jobs for women at risk and survivors of trafficking by 2020. For this audience, initiative impact was reinforced by the mention of corporate giant Hilton Hotels’ recent press release detailing their public stand against human trafficking.

Nomi Network and Goldman Sachs’ volunteers broke into three task forces that all worked on separate aspects of achieving 100,000 jobs by 2020. Product sales, member subscriptions and metrics for measuring impact were the projects at hand. Each team spent the day brainstorming ideas on how Nomi’s efforts could be improved in these areas and researched ideas for expansion.

Ideas were a dime a dozen and the collaboration was a successful match with the business savvy skills of Goldman Sachs employees in the mix. From the discussions, it became clear that it’s easy for anyone to become an enthusiastic supporter of anti-human trafficking efforts through the way Nomi has uniquely engaged survivors and activists.

Goldman Sachs team member Martin Schneider shares, “Utilizing Goldman Sachs volunteers, the Community Teamworks event was in perfect alignment with the Nomi Network’s strategy to leverage the marketplace to eradicate human trafficking. This was an opportunity for myself and other people at my firm to learn about the plight of survivors of human trafficking while giving us the chance to share our skills with the Network volunteers. I am confident that the impact of the day’s activities will last for a long time for everyone who participated.”

At the end of the day, each team presented their ideas and plans of action to the entire group. Comments and advice were encouraged, and what ultimately became clear was that Nomi Network should continue recruiting volunteers with diverse expertise and a fresh eye for ways to continue to innovate and improve on current practices.

To join the efforts, email!

- Don Torrance


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