Nomi Network Sets Ambitious Goals for 2011

Welcome back and happy new year! As 2011 kicks off, we at Nomi Network wanted to share our goals and resolutions for another successful year. Thank you again for your continued support and be sure to come back often—we’ll be posting more regularly throughout the new year!

Nomi Goals:

  • Create 100 jobs for survivors of human trafficking
  • Improve Nomi's e-commerce website to make it more interactive
  • Sell A LOT of products (and we mean A LOT)
  • Secure funding for various training programs
  • Visit Nomi in Cambodia
  • Win the Classy Awards again
  • Amp up our online presence and post on the blog more regularly

How are your own resolutions going? Do you have goals you’d like to suggest for us? Feel free to leave us comments or questions below.


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