Nomi Network Secured an $8,500 Matching Grant for our 2010 Holiday Campaign!!!

Will you help Nomi Network finish this year strong? We invite you to make a tax-deductible donation to Nomi Network by December 31st 2010 so your gift will have double the impact.

This Holiday Season, we celebrate Nomi's success. Nomi is a young Cambodian survivor of sex trafficking, who befriended Nomi Network's Co-founders, two years ago.

Past: Nomi's family was deeply impoverished. She was abused and raped by her father, who later forced Nomi to support his alcohol addiction. Due to her traumatic experiences, Nomi developed a mental disability. She currently lives at our partner organization's rehabilitation center. Unlike the other girls who transition out of the rehabilitation center, Nomi may need to remain there permanently.

Present: Nomi has learned social skills over the past several years and is now less aggressive, making it possible for her to live peacefully in a dormitory with other girls. She has learned how to get ready in the morning by herself, and can even do her own laundry. Nomi has a poor memory but she is determined to improve her studies and wants to learn Khmer, English, and other subjects. In her spare time, she genuinely enjoys learning how to sew.

Future: Nomi Network is developing a training and internship program for girls like Nomi to learn art, fashion, and sewing skills. We believe survivors and women at-risk to human trafficking should have the opportunity to develop vocational skills that will give them a head start in advancing their future.

Invest in their future - Nomi Network has the ambitious goal of aiding 100,000 women by 2020! Nomi Network's plans to start working in India in 2011 marks a significant step towards reaching our goal. Please consider supporting our work with victims of human trafficking by donating today.


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