Sophie in Cambodia - 8/20/2009 - Day 26

This morning, we visited another shelter in Siem Reap, one tucked away from the bustling street market. It is smaller than the other centers that I visited, but the environment was just as serene.

This center provides training in sewing and hair dressing. Sixty women reside there, with four babies who were born at the center. One baby was sleeping soundly on a hammock by the stairs and another in the sewing class. The latest resident of the center arrived about a month ago. Despite all the efforts against trafficking, women continue to enter the center on a regular basis.

The director showed us around, and he expressed the need of the center’s for basic consulting, an in-house doctor, and volunteers for different activities. There is no easy way to describe what the women have been through. The thought that keeps running through my head is, how can we, as a united body, can do a better job of prevention?


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